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- Laura M. Baird
Unexpected Adventures Page 5
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Page 5
Denise walks to me, mouth agape, eyes widening. “O. M. G. You guys are so hot for each other!”
I look at her, almost bewildered. “How the heck did that happen? I barely know him and yet it’s like, I know him. And I want to know more. What is happening with me?”
Denise puts her hands on my arms, grinning like a fool at me. “It struck. It’s like lightning!”
“What are you talking about?”
“You’re attracted to him. You want him. He’s your soul mate.”
I stare at her like she’s grown another head. “You’ve had a little too much of the spiked Kool-Aid. He’s not my soul mate. I just met him!”
“Doesn’t matter.” She shakes her head. “When it hits, it hits. Like with me and Jim. When I…”
“Yeah, about that. What’s going on with you two?”
“Oh no you don’t. You can’t change the subject.”
“Oh yes I can, little sister. You never said a darn thing about Jim. And all of a sudden, I see you hanging on this guy, acting as if you’re a couple.”
“Well, we are,” she states matter-of-factly.
“He’s your boss! How can that be?”
“It just is. Look, let’s go to our room and we’ll talk.” She links her hand with mine and leads me through a series of twist and turns and up some stairs to what Sherri called the silver room.
It’s a generous-sized room with two double beds draped in silver comforters. Sherri must have turned on the lights because two sconces are illuminated above each bed. The walls are white with pewter striping and crown molding. There’s a dresser along one wall and two burgundy sitting chairs in a corner. The room also has its own bathroom, which I needed to make use of right away.
“I’ll be right out,” I say.
“Go ahead. I’m going to change. Sherri has an assortment of night gowns and lounge clothes in the dresser.”
“What doesn’t she have? That woman is amazing. Her place is amazing!”
“Isn’t it? I love it!”
I make my way back out to Denise after washing up. She’s in a cute top and shorts set, sitting in one of the chairs in the corner. I go to the dresser to see what I can change into and decide on a cream silk night gown. Not being shy around my baby sister at all, I quickly dispose of my own garments and slip on the gown.
“I take it you’ve stayed here before?” By the way I see her blush, which my sister never does, I surmise that she wasn’t alone when she stayed here. “Denise! You and Jim?”
She shakes her head yes, emphatically, while smiling brightly.
“How long have you two, been, you know, together?”
“About six months,” she confesses.
Surprise doesn’t even begin to cover what I’m feeling. I plop myself down into the chair next to hers. “You never said a word. Why?”
“We wanted to keep it between the two of us at first. I didn’t want people to think I’d slept my way into my position. You know, that old cliché: young, cute blonde, probably isn’t too bright, had to sleep her way to the top.”
“That’s just ridiculous! You’re smarter than most people I know. You’re dedicated, tenacious, and determined.”
“Thanks, Abby. That really means a lot.”
“So, you two didn’t seem to try to hide it tonight. What’s changed?”
“I proved my worth, that’s what. I told Jim and Sherri what my goals were, and that I didn’t want any special treatment.” She laughs before continuing. “Jim said that was good, because he wasn’t going to give me any. I spear-headed a few projects that really made some heads turn. There were two others who were up for this position as Jim’s assistant, and he made it clear that he’d take the best qualified person. That person was me.”
“And what about office policy on personal relationships?”
“That’s the beauty. It’s allowed, as long as work performance isn’t jeopardized.”
“Simple as that?”
“Simple as that.”
“Well, good for you. I’m doubly proud of you. And so happy for you, if Jim makes you happy.”
“Oh, Abby, he does!”
“What’s his age, by the way?”
Her laugh is infectious. “How did I know that that’d be coming around?”
“Well, you have to admit, there’s a bit of an age gap, right?”
“A bit,” she says coyly. “He’s thirty-eight.”
I’m stunned silent, but my mind is screaming, “fourteen years?”
“It’s okay, I know what you’re thinking. Fourteen years is quite a difference. But love doesn’t see in terms of age. It’s just a number.”
“You really love him? And he loves you?”
She takes my hands in hers. “Yes, Abby. I really love him.”
“So, what’s next? Are you guys going to move in with each other? Are you thinking of marriage? What?”
“Slow down, you sound like Mom. That is, if Mom knew about Jim.”
“Mom doesn’t know?”
“No, not yet. I wanted you to know first. I wanted you to meet him before I told anyone else.”
I sit back, silent, taking in the weight of what she’s said, of what she has been going through. “Oh, Denise, I just want you to be happy. If he makes that happen, then that’s all that matters.”
She smiles. “Simple as that?”
“Simple as that.”
Denise springs forward, embracing me as best she can. When she sits back, she gives me a questioning look. “Now, about you and Shaun.”
“What? There’s no me and Shaun.”
“Oh, yes there is. I saw the way you two were with each other… first on the deck, during karaoke, then just now in the sunroom. There’s chemistry there you cannot deny.”
“There’s definitely chemistry. And it’s combustible. That man can kiss!”
“I knew it!”
“So, he can kiss. He’s still practically a stranger. And I’m only here for a few days.”
“But he also lives in San Francisco, remember? What you start here, you finish there.”
“I don’t know, Denise. This is…”
“It’s the start of something that could be absolutely wonderful. It’s about time you found someone.”
“Who says I need someone?”
“Everybody needs somebody. Isn’t that what Bryan Adams says?”
“Yes, he does.” I laugh, and before you know it, we’re breaking into a duet together. Once we conclude our spontaneous concert, we’re laughing ‘til our bellies ache like when we were little girls.
“We should probably get some sleep, don’cha think?” I say, trying to catch my breath.
“Probably. Abby, thank you for coming down. I’m so glad you’re here.” She stands, pulling me with her, giving me a tight, Denise-style hug.
“Me, too.”
“And tomorrow, we’re going to have some real sister time. I’m going to spoil you! And you’re going to show Shaun more of what there is to know about Abby.”
“Denise, there really isn’t much more to show him. I’m a simple girl with a simple life.”
“You’re wrong. You’re special. And he’s going to know it.”
“Whatever you say.” I just barely resist rolling my eyes.
“Good. Now that that’s settled, good night.”
She kisses my cheek and makes her way into the bathroom. “Feel free to turn off the lights. There are some nightlights in place that’ll activate when the room dims.”
I do just that. Two nightlights glow, ensuring that Denise won’t stumble over furniture. As I settle myself in bed, my thoughts go back to Shaun and the kiss we shared in the sunroom. Yes, there’s definitely something there. An attraction unlike any other I’d ever felt for a guy. I mean, a man. Because there’s no doubt that Shaun is a man.
But how do I tell my baby sister, who says she’s in love, and who is in a sexual relationship with a man, that her big sister is nervous as can be?
How do I tell her I’m still a virgin?
Is that still possible in today’s society, you ask? Yes. Yes, it is. Am I a freak of nature? I don’t think so, but then again, I don’t think like most people. Hey, the right guy just hasn’t come along. Yet.
That thought lingers as I slip into a peaceful slumber. A slumber filled with tantalizing kisses from a handsome stranger with ice-blue eyes.
Chapter Six
Is someone slapping me with a wet noodle?
My ears register whimpers before I open my eyes to see two little fur balls dancing around my head, furiously taking turns licking my face. I also hear more whining coming from the foot of the bed.
“How did you little rascals get up on this big ol’ bed?” I start baby-talk with Eva and Ginger as I’m trying to sit up while they’re vying for my attention. I’m petting and rubbing them, causing their excitement to grow. “Yes, yes, you sweet little girls. And are those your other partners in crime dancing around down there? Huh? Well, why couldn’t they make their way up here? Let’s go have a look.”
Just as I throw back the covers and begin to shift to the side of the bed, I notice the bedroom door ajar. And standing in the doorway is the man of my dreams. Well, I did dream about him last night, so, technically…
“So, this is where they ran off to,” Shaun says. He’s leaning against the door, arms crossed in front of him, an appealing smile on his face. He looks refreshed, like he’s been up for a while. He’s dressed in casual shorts and a T-shirt, his hair looks damp and he’s clean-shaven. “Sarah was looking for them to take them on a walk.”
I look over to the other bed to see if Denise is there, only to find it empty. “Denise must’ve left the door open.”
“Must have.” Shaun’s gaze never leaves me as he slowly scans down my body and back up again. Is that amusement I see? Or something else?
It’s then I realize I’m in the nightgown, which has ridden up high on my thighs as I was shifting in bed. I can only imagine what my hair must look like. I self-consciously pull the nightgown as far down my legs as I can. Only it doesn’t go much more than a dang inch. All the while, the dogs are yapping and prancing, waiting for more attention.
“Guess they’re ready to go out,” I say.
“Guess so.” Still, he doesn’t move.
“Okay, then, well, if you could just back out of the room and let me get dressed, I’ll…”
My words stop as Shaun pushes himself away from the door and strides toward me. My eyes widen with curiosity. And, truth be told, a little bit of nervousness. He continues his determined march toward the bed, his eyes never leaving mine. Is this what prey feels like when being stalked? I can understand the fear.
Only… why do I feel excitement lurking on the other side of that little bit of fear?
My heart is racing, threatening to beat out of my chest. I’m almost sure he can hear it as his smile changes, his eyes narrow.
Weren’t there some dogs in here a moment ago? My concentration focuses on the man coming toward me with intent in his gaze.
“Eva, Ginger, down.” With that command, the terriers run down to the end of the bed, onto the sitting bench, and down onto the floor, joining the other three little yappers. Shaun’s tone, although not harsh, told them they’d better fall in line. And they do just that. All five of them line up side by side, awaiting their next command.
As I look from the dogs back up to Shaun, he’s already in front of me so I have to lean back to look up at his face. He reaches out, gently taking my arms and pulling me off the bed. We’re standing chest to chest, again, and there’s no mistaking the sexual awareness between us. I can feel the warmth of his body radiating through both of our clothes. And I’m sure he can feel the perkiness of my nipples as they press into him.
“I’d like nothing better than to take off that gown and see all of you.” He doesn’t even wait for any lame response that my brain is trying to formulate before he dips his head to mine and takes my lips in a possessive kiss.
If I thought last night was intense, it’s nothing compared to what’s happening now. And if I didn’t have half my wits about me, because, believe me, they’re almost already gone, I’d let him do as he pleases. Because I’m also sure it’d please me too.
With his hands still on my arms, I can’t even engage in anything more than the kiss. And although it’s to die for, I’d love to have my hands roaming over his body, discovering every contour of his sculpted physique.
Just as those thoughts are wiped out of my brain due to the toe-curling onslaught of his mouth, he pulls away, leaving me gasping for breath. I watch him war with himself as he’s assessing me.
“Whatever you’re waiting for me to say, I’m afraid you’re going to be disappointed. I can hardly tell you my own name.” My words come out ragged and I’m breathless. “If I had on any panties, they’d certainly be on fire right about now.”
Oops. Did I just say that?
His groan is feral as his mouth takes mine once again in a quick kiss before he says, “What I really want…”
“Ah, good morning, you two.”
Denise’s greeting startles me so that I jump and peer around Shaun at her. Shaun, however, is unaffected as his gaze continues to stay on me.
“Uh, hi, Denise. Where ya been?” I ask all casual-like. As if I wasn’t about to be ravaged in the guest room of her co-worker’s home by said co-worker’s brother.
Shaun politely takes a step back from me as Denise approaches us. The dogs take the opportunity to go wild again, forgetting Shaun’s earlier command. They rush around our feet, clearly not wanting to be forgotten. Denise bends down to play with them as Shaun cautiously takes another step back.
“Shaun was just here to round up the little tribe for a walk, weren’t you?”
“Eventually,” he says.
“Well,” Denise starts. “Why don’t we let my sis change and she can join you on that walk? It’s a beautiful morning.”
“I’ll meet you downstairs,” Shaun says.
“Um, sure, you betcha. Be down in a jiffy.”
Denise looks up, grinning between the two of us. “Run along with Shaun, little pooches.” As she stands, coming to my side, Shaun reluctantly turns to the door, whistling for the dogs. They eagerly follow. As he turns, he gives me a parting wink before closing the door behind him.
I collapse, back-side down, on the bed, letting out my breath in a big whoosh. “Holy macaroni!”
“Holy macaroni is right!” Denise crashes down on the bed, propping herself up on her elbow to look at me. “If I hadn’t walked in when I did, I think you’d have been screaming something entirely different right about now.”
I turn my head to look at her and burst into laughter. She joins in.
“Wow, Abby. He wants you. Maybe I should’ve backed out of the room and silently closed the door.”
“Oh, my goodness, no! I’m glad you didn’t.” I sit up in a panic, realizing how close I came to being in a situation I don’t think I’m ready to be in.
Denise sits up too, turning toward me, a look of concern marring her beautiful face. “Why not? You’re both grown adults. And you clearly want him.” She takes my hands in hers. “Don’t you?”
“I don’t know what I want. He makes me feel things I haven’t felt before. I don’t know what to do with these feelings.”
“Abby, what are you talking about?”
I bow my head, almost embarrassed to talk to my baby sister about the situation. As I look up at her, I see her concern, her love, and I know I can talk to her about anything.
“I have a confession, Denise,” I say timidly. “Oh, this is so stupid. This is crazy.”
“Abby, what is it?” Her impatience is obvious.
“I’m a virgin.” The words are barely out of my mouth, I’ve spoken them so softly.
“Wha… what did you say? Did you just say you’re a virgin?”
I only nod my head.
“How is tha
t possible?” She sits up straighter, giving me a perplexed look. “You’re twenty-eight!”
“What does age have to do with it?” I say in frustration. “Is there some rule that you have to have had sex by a certain time? Never mind the fact I haven’t liked anyone well enough to want to take my clothes off in front of them, let alone engage in a sexual encounter with them!”
“I don’t know what to say. I’m, I’m…”
“Speechless?” I lightly say.
“Yes.” She looks at me as I drop my head down, really wanting to stop this conversation altogether. “Hey, Abbs, I’m sorry. Not that I expected you to tell me you’ve had twenty lovers, I guess I just thought, well, I just thought…”
“You thought, being the oldest sister who went out in the world first, I must have that kind of experience. I mean, who doesn’t have sex by, what, freshman year of college?”
“Try freshman year of high school.”
“You didn’t?”
“No! Not me. I mean, I waited until I was a senior. I’m just saying, many kids are doing it younger and younger these days.”
“Great. Not only am I way behind the times, but the morality of our youth is going down the crapper. Well, I’m glad I’m not a follower.”
“That’s for sure.”
“Hey,” I say, trying to defend my choices.
“No, I meant that in a good way. You always were the cautious one. You followed the rules to the ‘T’. How could I not know this? Why have you never told me before now?”
“Sex never really came up in our conversations. I mean, you always told me about boyfriends, and I told you about guys that I sorta liked. It’s not like I could just blurt it out during one of our conversations and say, ‘Hey, sis, by-the-way, I’ve never had sex with a guy’.”
“I guess I just assumed with at least one, you went all the way.” She looks at me with earnest. “So how far have you been with a guy?”
“In real life?” I tease.
She giggles. “Yes.”
“Uh, second base, I think.”
“You think?”
“Well, I can never remember that analogy! I’ve had a guy feel my breasts before. Isn’t that second base?”
“Yes, it is.” She stops to think for a moment, which makes me nervous. “So how many guys have felt your breasts?”